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Pennsylvania Association for Government Relations

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  • 09/05/2013 4:48 PM | Wayne Kessler (Administrator)
    In this issue:
    • President Gabrielle Sedor's Message
    • Lobbypalooza 2013
    • October 2013 Meeting
    • Lobbyist Registration Fees
  • 09/04/2013 6:47 AM | Wayne Kessler (Administrator)
    In response to the Proposed Rulemaking 51 Pa Code Chapter 53, Biennial Filing Fee – Published in the June 1, 2013 edition of the Pennsylvania Bulletin.

    See PDF for letter.
  • 06/11/2013 9:14 AM | Wayne Kessler (Administrator)
    By now you've probably seen the announcement in the June 1, 2013 Pennsylvania Bulletin which would directly impact you and your clients:

    The Department of State proposes to amend § 53.1 (relating to biennial filing fee) to increase the biennial registration fee for individuals and entities required to be registered under the Lobbying Disclosure Act from $200 to $700. It is expected that the increased fees will be implemented for the 2015-2016 registration period. Written comments may be directed to Caroline A. Bailey, Assistant Counsel, Department of State, 210 North Office Building, Harrisburg, PA 17120 within 30 days following publication of this proposed rulemaking in the Pennsylvania Bulletin.

    PAGR will be submitting comments opposing this 250% increase which would make Pennsylvania's registration fees among the highest in the nation (see We encourage members to consider submitting comments and reaching out to members of the state government committees in the House and Senate as well.

    PAGR will share our comments with members as soon as they are finalized by the Board of Directors. Please share your own comments with PAGR by emailing them to Christine at


    Gabrielle Sedor
    PAGR President

  • 05/22/2013 6:43 AM | Wayne Kessler (Administrator)
    In this issue:
    • President Gabrielle Sedor's Message
    • Lobbypalooza 2013 Meeting
    • June 3rd Meeting with our Guest: Senator John Eichelberger
  • 03/22/2013 7:20 AM | Wayne Kessler (Administrator)
    In this issue:
    • New President Gabrielle Sedor's Message
    • 2013/2014 Legislative Directories
    • April 8th Meeting with our Guest: Governor’s Chief of Staff Stephen Aichele

  • 01/28/2013 11:59 AM | Wayne Kessler (Administrator)
    In this issue:
    • New President Gabrielle Sedor's Message
    • 2013/2014 Legislative Directories
    • Important 2013 Dates

    Click here to download the newsletter (PDF)

  • 11/19/2012 1:08 PM | Wayne Kessler (Administrator)
    • President's Message
    • 2013/2014 Legislative Directories
    • Annual Holiday Gathering

    Click here to download the newsletter (PDF)

  • 11/01/2012 4:13 PM | Wayne Kessler (Administrator)

    PAGR will once again offer the PA Chamber's convenient, pocket-sized Legislative Directory. 

    Just $7.50 per copy whether you order 1 or 1000!

    Please complete the attached form and return by January 11, 2013.

    Many thanks for your support -- this project helps keep PAGR alive and kicking!

  • 08/28/2012 3:03 PM | Wayne Kessler (Administrator)
    Click here to download the newsletter (PDF)

    Inside this issue:

    • The President's Message
    • Lobbypalooza - September 13, 2012!

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